privacy & cookies


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As soon as you visit our website or contact us, we receive information about you. In this privacy statement, we explain what we do with that information. We always handle your information carefully and store it securely. If you have any questions or want to know what information we have about you, please contact us. We may adjust this privacy statement if we deem it necessary. Therefore, we recommend that you regularly review this privacy statement so that you are aware of these changes.



This privacy statement applies to all personal data that we process and to all domains related to us. This includes the personal data of everyone who has ever been in contact with us or visited our website, such as visitors, customers, and business contacts. Personal data are all data that can be traced back to you as an individual, such as your name, telephone number, IP address, customer number, or browsing behavior. If you want to know more about personal data, please visit the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).


who uses my data?

Studio True Stories is responsible for the website and thus the responsible organization for the use of your personal data as described in this privacy statement.

The complete details are:

Studio True Stories
Goethelaan 10
1349 EG Almere


whose data is used?

We process the personal data of everyone who has been in contact with us or has visited our website. This includes visitors, private customers, business customers, and contacts of our partners.


how do we collect data?

We receive the data directly from you as soon as you:
  • create an account
  • fill in data on our website
  • contact us via mail, telephone, or in another way


what data do we use?

We use the following data:
  • name
  • gender
  • home address or business address
  • delivery address
  • email address
  • telephone number
  • payment details
  • date of birth


what do we use it for?

We only use your personal data for the purpose for which we are allowed to use it:
  • we have obtained your permission to use your personal data
  • we use your data because we want to provide you with the best service as a customer, and we can't do that without this information
  • we use your data to comply with the law, such as retaining data for tax authorities


how long do we keep it?

We keep your personal data as long as we have to according to the law and as long as necessary for the purpose for which we use your data. For example, as long as you are a customer with us, we keep your data according to the legal retention period of seven years. After that, we only keep your data for statistical purposes and to handle any complaints or legal matters. If you want to know more about how long we keep specific data from you, please contact us.


who do we share it with?

Your personal data is only used by us. We will never share your personal data with others.


where do we store it?

We process your data within the European Economic Area (EEA). This means that we also store your data within the EEA. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us.


how secure is it?

We have done a lot to protect your data both organizationally and technically as well as possible. We have secured our systems and various communication means to ensure that your data does not fall into the hands of others. So your data is safe with us. We also ensure that your data is only used by people who have received permission from us. If you have questions about the specific way of securing, please contact us.


what can you ask from us?

Since we use your personal data, you have various rights. We list these rights below for you.

Right to information
We must explain to you in a clear and understandable manner what we do with your data and what control you have over it. That is why we explain in this privacy statement in detail which data we collect from you and how we handle your data.

Right of access
You can always ask us to view the data that we have about you.

Right to correction
You can ask us to correct your data if it is incorrect or incomplete.

Right to object
You can object to the processing of your data if you disagree with the way we handle your personal data. This right applies to the data we use for direct marketing. For example, you can indicate that you no longer want to receive mail from us. This also applies to personalized recommendations on our website.

Right to data portability
If you are our customer or have given permission for the use of your data, you can ask us to send you the digital data we have about you. This way, you can transfer that data to another organization if you wish.

Right to restriction
You can ask us to limit the use of your data. This means that in certain cases we may only store your data and not use it.

Right to be forgotten
You can ask us to delete all data we have about you. We will then delete all data that can be traced back to you. In some cases, we may not yet delete your data. For example, we must keep some data for 7 years for the tax authorities.

Right to file a complaint
You can file a complaint about the way we handle your data. If you have a complaint, we would like to resolve it for you. Please contact us for this. You can also submit your complaint to the Personal Data Authority. Of course, we hope it doesn't come to that, but in the worst case, you can also go to court. In that case, it is the court in the location of Studio True Stories that will handle your complaint.

How do I submit a request or complaint?
Send your request or complaint to us via We process your request or complaint within 30 days. If it concerns multiple requests or complaints, or if your request or complaint is complex, this may take more time. In that case, we will contact you at the latest within 60 days. We may ask you to identify yourself. In that case, we ask for your details to make sure that you are the correct person whose personal data it is.


which rules apply?

Our privacy statement must meet various conditions. You can find these conditions particularly in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In addition, the general rules according to Dutch law apply to our privacy statement.


data from minors

We do not specifically target minors with our website or as an organization. This means that if you are under 18 years old, you need the consent of a parent or guardian to use our website. If you are a minor visiting our website or webshop, we assume that you have received this permission for your visit.


use of cookies uses cookies. A cookie is a simple small file that is sent along with pages of this website and/or Flash applications and is stored by your browser on the hard drive of your computer, mobile phone, smartwatch, or tablet. The information stored therein can be sent back to our servers during a subsequent visit.

The use of cookies is of great importance for the proper functioning of our website, but also cookies of which you do not directly see the effect are very important. Thanks to the (anonymous) input from visitors, we can improve the use of the website and make it more user-friendly.


which cookies do we use?

You can indicate which data we may use from you. If you have given us permission to personalize your profile based on your browsing and search behavior, we can set up our website especially for you so that its use becomes easier and more personal. We do this with the help of cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your hardware during your visit to our website.

We use (or reserve the right to use) the following types of cookies on our website:

Functional cookies – these help us to make the website function better and make it more user-friendly for the visitor. For example, we store your login details or what you have put in your shopping cart.
- Anonymized analytical cookies: these ensure that an anonymous cookie is generated every time you visit a website. These cookies know whether you have visited the site before or not. Only on the first visit is a cookie created, on subsequent visits the already existing cookie is used. This cookie is only used for statistical purposes. This way, the following data can be collected:
  • the number of unique visitors
  • how often users visit the site
  • which pages users view
  • how long users view a certain page
  • at which page users leave the site

Analytical cookies
– these ensure that a cookie is generated every time you visit a website. These cookies know whether you have visited the site before or not. Only on the first visit, a cookie is created, on subsequent visits the already existing cookie is used. This cookie is only used for statistical purposes. Thus, they can collect the following data, such as:
  • which pages you have viewed
  • how long you have stayed on a certain page
  • at which page you left the site

Own tracking cookies
– this allows us to know that you have been on the relevant other website(s) in our network as well as our website. The profile built up this way is not linked to your name, address, email address, etc., but serves only to tailor advertisements to your profile, so that they are as relevant to you as possible. We ask for your consent for these cookies. Without your consent, these cookies will not be placed.

Third-party tracking cookies
– these track which pages you visit on the internet to build a personal profile. This profile is not linked to your name, address, email address, etc., as known to us, but serves only to tailor advertisements to your profile so that they are as relevant to you as possible. We ask for your consent for these cookies. Without your consent, these cookies will not be placed.

Social media-related cookies
– these register social media such as Facebook and LinkedIn which articles and pages you share via their social media sharing buttons. They may also contain tracking cookies that track your web browsing behavior.

Site improvement cookies/optimization cookies
– these allow us to test different versions of a web page to see which page is visited best.

More specifically, we use (or reserve the right to use) the following cookies:
  • Google Analytics anonymized (analytical cookies)
  • Google Analytics (analytical cookie)
  • Adobe (analytical cookie)
  • Facebook (tracking cookie)
  • Google Adwords (tracking cookie)


your rights w.r.t your data

You have the right to access, rectification, restriction, and deletion of personal data. In addition, you have the right to object to the processing of personal data and the right to data portability. You can exercise these rights by sending us an email via To prevent misuse, we may ask you to adequately identify yourself. When it comes to access to personal data linked to a cookie, we ask you to send a copy of the cookie in question. You can find this in the settings of your browser.


blocking / deleting data

You can easily block and delete cookies at any time yourself through your internet browser. You can also set your internet browser so that you receive a message when a cookie is placed. You can also indicate that certain cookies may not be placed. See your browser's help function for this possibility. If you delete cookies in your browser, it can affect the pleasant use of this website.
Some tracking cookies are placed by third parties who show advertisements to you through our website. You can centrally delete these cookies via

Be aware that if you do not want cookies, we can no longer guarantee that our Website will work well. It is possible that some functions of the site will be lost or even that you can no longer visit the website at all. Additionally, refusing cookies does not mean that you will no longer see advertisements at all. The ads will just no longer be tailored to your interests and could therefore be repeated more often.

How to adjust your settings varies by browser. If necessary, consult your browser's help function

 or click on one of the icons below to go directly to the manual of your browser.


new / unforseen cookies

The text of the web can change due to continuous developments. This also applies to our cookie statement. Therefore, please read this statement regularly to stay informed about any changes.

In blog articles, use can be made of content that is hosted on other sites and accessed on via certain codes (embedded content). Think, for example, of YouTube videos. These codes often use cookies. However, we have no control over what these third parties do with their cookies.

It is also possible that cookies are placed by others through our website by our advertisers. When you find these cookies in your browser, we cannot control them. It is then necessary to consult the third party's privacy statement.


concluding statements

We will have to adjust these statements occasionally, for example when we adjust our website or the rules around cookies change. You can consult this web page for the latest version.
Do you have a question about our privacy statement? Please feel free to contact us by sending an email to We are happy to help.

Branding people, products & companies in a truthful way.

studio for storytelling, design & communication


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studio true stories © all rights reserved 2024



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